Location for future City Administrative Services Centers (CASCs)

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Innovations and smart city initiatives

On hold


Initiation year:



Implement modern technologies into the development of local communities

As the access to CASCs should be quick and trouble-free, we aim to implement modern technologies for constructing machine learning models and recommendations on the optimal venues for new CASCs in the Lviv region.

To implement this project, Lviv Regional State Administration provided the team with the following data:

· A list of new CASCs ground sections available for further construction in the region of Lviv

· Historical activity and workload on both operating and already closed CASCs

· Publicly available data that allows us to characterize each of the ground sections and existing CASCs

Together with the volunteers and Lviv Regional State Administration workers, we intend to design an efficient solution for the optimal choice of available land plots, which will be used for the further construction of CASCs. The output will be an influential tool that all Regional State Administrations can use in the future.


Data Engineering

Data Science

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Come Back Alive

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Backend Developer


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Quality Control Specialist


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DevOps Engineer
