The National Museum of the History of Ukraine

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Innovations and smart city initiatives

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SoftServe specialists, together with museum experts, will develop an interactive website in order to attract an audience and inspire people to learn history

The National Museum of Ukraine's History is the leading historical museum in Ukraine, located on Starokyivska Hill in Kyiv. The museum has Ukraine's most extensive collection of historical and cultural monuments. The National Museum of the Ukraine's History collection has been formed over 110 years. It includes more than 700,000 exhibits of global significance. These include archaeological and numismatic collections, ethnographic collections, collections of weapons, decorative and applied arts, manuscripts, old prints, paintings and graphics, and relics of the Ukrainian national liberation movement of the twentieth century.

SoftServe experts worked with the museum to create an interactive website that draws attention to memorable finds and encourages people to explore Ukraine's past.
SoftServe specialists, together with museum experts, will develop an interactive website in order to attract an audience and inspire people to learn history.

The website





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