Gift a Meal project

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Helping people in need

In progress


Initiation year:



Developing a solution to streamline donations for funding meals for seniors and individuals in need

The Spółdzielnia Socjalna Mniej Wiecej Foundation strives to eliminate hunger and prevent food waste by creating job opportunities and reintegrating people at risk of social exclusion. Additionally, the Foundation organizes and provides developmental and humanitarian aid to individuals in crisis.
The objective of Gift a Meal Project is to streamline the process of payments (donations) to fund meals for seniors and other individuals in need, who are the beneficiaries of Mniej Wiecej Foundation. System must incorporate features that facilitate the use of various payment methods (payment gates) with ease. Donations from contributors will support the preparation and distribution of meals for foundation’s beneficiaries.

Talents wanted

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Business Analyst Middle

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Business Analyst Senior

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Project Manager Middle

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Project Manager Senior

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Frontend Developer


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Frontend Developer


Icon for Helping people in need

Frontend Developer


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Frontend Developer


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UI/UX Designer Senior

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UI/UX Designer Middle

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Quality Control Specialist Middle

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Quality Control Specialist Senior


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Olha Romanchuk

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